Wednesday, February 08, 2006

This is not FAIR is not returning proper results. I might be jumping the gun (maybe I might be missing something), but the search I have been doing for the past 10 minutes has led me to shoot the gun.

For ex.

Typing VaibhavMadan in results all the posts I have made till date, which is FAIR.


Typing VaibhavMadan Category in does not return all the posts which have those two keywords in them, which should be almost the same result as the previous one because I have added the Category Keyword to all my blogs just now.

I DO NOT LIKE THIS because this is NOT FAIR :(

Google guys, help me out on this one!

Category: Official


Abhay said...

This format/background looks nicer. What do y'all think..

Abhay said...

Also you need to put your sundar mukhda on your profile - ek/do photowa daal deejiye - apka blog aur bhi chamkega.