My 50th BLOG
This one happens to be my 50th Blog.
Three cheers for it
Hip Hip HurrayHip Hip Hurray
Hip Hip Hurray15th November: My first Blog
50 blogs in around 85 days
This means that there haven't been lots of writing and some of them even have been the Happy Republic Day, Movie review kinds (have nothing special about them but are just blog fillers :))
There are still lots of experiences everyday that I miss everyday to write, intentionally skip to write. Some of them have been written but are not in a position to be posted and are still in draft stage.
The next step is to try and group the blogs into some categories that can be linked together logically. For ex.
- Entertainment
- Wishes
- Philosophy
- Official
- Personality
- Creativity
- Sports
- Humour
The reason I am trying to do this is that this will enable me / others to do the following:
- Go to
- Type "vaibhavmadan Humour"
- Voila. The results will show me the things I have been writing in those categories.
- You may call it Getting Organized or The Curses Of Being An Engineer
- Depending on the mood you are in the day, you can get the blogs from the corresponding category
- Maybe it will help you in getting cheered up, take quizzes on your personality, check out how creative I am.
Category: Creativity
The reason why I am putting this blog under the Creativity category is that I think the idea of organizing the blogs in different categories is itself creative :)