Tuesday, November 27, 2007

How to win a proxy battle?

Around 4 years back in my old company, there was a huge hue and cry over the caterer who used to provide lunch to our office. The quality to say the least was pathetic. We all wanted it to change and requested the management for the same. The management decided to conduct a poll. The poll question was:

Please send an E-Mail if you want the caterer changed. No E-Mail would be considered that you are happy with the caterer.

As with any rebellion, there are a few leaders and the rest are followers.

In this case, the leaders of the revolution sent the E-Mail but the followers did not follow as it was not too important a cause.

The caterer continued, the stomach-ache continued BUT the hue and cry died. Only the leaders decided to go and eat outside more often than before.

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