Tuesday, May 27, 2008

How the water department works in Delhi?

I went to pay me water bill (it is the only one left where I still have to go, stand in a line, swear at the heat, pay 10 Rs. extra everytime hoping that not many people are interested in paying the bill after due date only to be disappointed). This is how the department works:

Step I) You give the bill along with the money to a person sitting at the counter in Window One
Step II) The person returns you the remaining cash and passes the bill to a person sitting on his right
Step III) The person on the right makes an entry in the register and passes the bill to the person on his right
Step IV) The person on the right stamps the bill and looks for a person on this right

Oops. Thank God there is no person on his right. So devoid of any choices in life, he follows the last option. He passes the stamped bill to the customer waiting on Window Two.

I think there is only one week in two months where those three persons think it is worth living a life and they want to make the most of it. Who hates attention?

Anyways, from the window outside they look like the three monkeys of "Bura mat suno, bura mat dekho, bura mat karo" fame.

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