Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Ways to improve customer satisfaction for the
Real Estate Industry

I bought a flat in Ferrous in Faridabad. I have been interacting with them for the past 2 years and as a customer I have learnt things which I feel they miss and can improve upon. All of them are generic, so should help in improving Customer Satisfaction for anyone belonging to the Real Estate, provided they are willing to do these small things.
  1. If a customer has taken a Construction Linked Plan, make an Excel Sheet for the customer with a breakup on how much each installment would be. Provide this Excel Sheet to the customer and if anything changes in the sheet, provide a new one. I do not believe the company does not maintain such a sheet and if they do, then how much would it cost them to send it to the customer. Zero bucks.
  2. Send them a monthly update (kind of newsletter every 1st day of the month) on how things are progressing. It gives customer satisfaction and costs Zero Bucks. Sometimes even the news that not much progress has been made but we are on track can satisfy customers.
  3. Provide a tentative plan to the customer on when the next installement would be due. It helps the customer to organize their finances. Customer is not generally aware how much time it would take to meet the next milestone for the next installment. For ex. How will I know when the first floor is ready and after how much time 4rd floor would be ready?

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