Saturday, December 08, 2007

The Hindu is for sale


Early Sunday morning on a cold winter day in Delhi, you can be only doing one thing happily: Sitting inside your quilt and enjoying tea. If just then, someone knocks on the door, then it better be something important. On one of such a cold Sunday morning, someone knocked. I opened the door. The person introduced himself as being a distributor of The Hindu. I continued talking to him without opening the door but he insisted I open the door with his hand movements. I opened it. HE HANDED ME A COPY OF The Hindu and started asking questions. More stress was on his English than the questions he asked as if he had just returned from those theoretical Learn English in 30 days and was not doing the practicals. He asked me my name, qualification and so on. He then asked me my phone number. I said I had none. He asked for landline etc any number. I kept firm and NO was the answer. AS YOU LIKE IT, he again tried his practicals on me.

Finally he came to the point. Start taking THE HINDU from 12th was the message this whole conversation was meant for. I told him I would be informing my newspaper wala if I needed it. He said something which only he could understand and then said would come again next week. WELCOME was something I could not utter and I DID NOT WANT TO ALSO.

Finally he almost snatched the copy of The HINDU he had given to me saying that it was a reference copy just to show. Even if there was half a chance of me betting on buying a HINDU, that was the last one.

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